Ürünlerde Ara

Law on Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”), your personal data will be processed by our Company as the Data Controller, within the scope of business purposes, in the framework outlined below, by being used, recorded, stored, updated, transferred, and/or classified. In this context, our Company takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure an appropriate level of security to prevent unlawful processing, prevent unlawful access, and ensure the preservation of your personal data, in compliance with the Law and Regulations issued to protect personal data and individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the privacy of private life.

The target audience of this document includes all natural persons whose personal data are processed by our Company, except for our Company’s employees or job applicants.

The personal data processed as the data controller, not limited to those specified herein, are as follows:

Name, surname, Turkish Republic ID number, address, phone number, email address, signature, physical location/security footage, call center/service quality voice recordings, bank account number, cookie records.

Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Personal Data

The personal data you share will be processed for the following purposes and legal reasons:

  • To benefit you and/or the institutions and organizations you represent from the products and services offered by our Company,
  • To determine and implement our Company’s commercial and business strategies,
  • To conduct marketing activities,
  • To carry out business development and planning activities, including but not limited to, necessary work,
  • To carry out administrative operations related to communications conducted by our Company,
  • To ensure the physical security and supervision of our Company’s locations in use,
  • To establish relationships with business partners/customers/suppliers (authorized or employees),
  • To fulfill contractual requirements and financial reconciliation related to products and services offered jointly with our business partners, suppliers, or other third parties,
  • To conduct our Company’s human resources policies,
  • To process data when our Company’s call center is called or our website is used, and/or
  • To ensure participation in training, seminars, or organizations organized by our Company.
Cookies PolicyPersonal Data Protection Law